I saw you in Derry NH the other nighta nd found your singing to be breathtaking. You are a fabulous performer
Just found out that Im HIV positive last month and my cd4 is 292 doctor said I must start using the ARV and I had a miscargde in Feb so I did a papsmear results came back saying i have lites dots of cancer with infections but the doctor said the cancer can dissapear but its depending on my health Im scared to take the treatment will I be able to have kids again
loving your floral top and your jeans! great outfit!
Hi I! ̄m 21weeks pregnant and have recently found out that I am hiv+,I was given atroiza I jus wana know when and how it should be taken is it 2hours before or after meals?
Now your mom can spread HER wings, and fly. I wish you the best of luck. -RN
I can help you on this as well.
The safest way to reduce this risk is to use a condom. This protects against HIV and many other infections. If your girlfriend sometimes sleeps with her husband, it sound unlikely that you know whether her husband also sleeps with other people. You can only know about your own health by going for an HIV test yourself.
Je pens? que je vas en parler ssur m?n blog pers?nnel
My CD 4 count is 446 and my boyfriend his still negative n now want a baby I! ̄m scared of that my CD 4 count can drop maybe during delivery. I! ̄m steal safe can I become pregnant?
Episode 400,000 went up tonight. SP or Vince will post the link when it! ̄s ready, no doubt. And there just happened to be a NEW GUEST.