In my country of Japan, we don! ̄t have TVs onboard buses. What we have instead are digital displays that shows how much to pay depending on where you got on and where you! ̄re getting off.
Love those zippers on the jeans! Can! ̄t wait to try them!!
I found out two months back that im hiv positive. I have a 18 month old son, when i was pregnant i tested negative till the last day. But now im so scared if the tests were wrong and that i could have infected my baby. Im so scared to go and test him.
I start atroiza last month but every morning my feet they are always itching
I! ̄ve jst started using Atroiza, no side effects yet but my abdomen is painful and kidneys sometimes! What time can I take it at night because sometimes I work until late but they said to take it at bed time.
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You're a very valuable internet site; could not make it without ya!
My hubby is positive and I! ̄m so worried coz I want kids
Do away with it! If there must be something displayed, make it useful, relevant, SILENT, and informative.
Happy birthday Bryan, and welcome to the seniors! ̄ club. Looking forward to catching up on your return. Kate