I had a dream I was called out of class by some guy and he says something while my wolf and a cheatah circles us and then we! ̄re suddenly saying vow in front of an abnormally large full moon I don! ̄t get this
hi,i actually want to ask u that my husband is hiv positive and he is using medicine now but i was not diagnosed +ve till 3 times i had test!-now what ca i do am also affected???wel am really worrid and scared too wel now we have safe sex but before we didnt hav .we knew he had hiv after 1 and half yr marriage !-wel he had nonpulmonary tv then he was diagnosed to have hiv!-so should i check again or is it possible am not infected???wel i love him alot and dont wana lose him plz help me and if possible tel me if he can be cured forever!-
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Hey, I am sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. This is never easy news to get, but is does get easier and you will be ok. You are in the same situation as lots of other people.
Hi,I! ̄m currently on TB treatment rifafour. My CD4 is currently 249, my doc has put me on odimune & purbac ds. I! ̄m scared of taking all this treatment @once. I! ̄m kind of confused as when to take these without causing complications. Can I take purbac & odimune at the same time?
wow, its really very amazing chance to the reader of acme blog.Thanz admin for this opurtunity most amagzing thing if I will win its a miracle for me .
I don! ̄t understand if it is good for people with HIV to take part in soccer games?
I defaulted for about three months, my test came back showing a very high viral load if 1000? Am I going to die?
About a year or so ago, I was heading to school and as I headed out the door, I saw a coyote looking at me(originally I thought it was a wolf but later found out it was a coyote) and then I blacked out and fell to the ground. My mother found me and took me to the hospital and they took my blood pressure, blood sugar level and other blood tests to see if anything was wrong, there wasn! ̄t, I still have 0 clues as to why this happened to me. Coyotes usually never come around our house, and suddenly, I see this one look at me and I black out? I! ̄m clueless, anyone have any insight as to why this happened to me?
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