
  Toms Sko    7/16(木) 22:07:49 No.20150716220749

PwC attributes this primarily to mega deals having been focused for the most part in Europe and the United States. Indeed, only two of the top 10 deals in the first half of 2014 were transacted by an Asian acquirer.The first half of 2014 saw financial buyers M activity increase by 39 percent over the same period in 2013, with its share of deal volume climbing to 26 percent, a figure more in line with 2010 and 2011 levels.The Taser Cam option is expensive The Taser Cam is actually an option that can either come included with the X26 police model, or added later as a plug in optional accessory. There is nothing that would prevent it from being added to any of the Tasers that the Eugene Police Department has already purchased.


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