
  Toms Sko    7/15(水) 11:49:53 No.20150715114953

I moved to a sub from Boise 4yrs ago n I knew there would be guidelines per CCRs. I made sure I'd fit n my dogs as well. I love where I live n ended up on the BOD for the HOA for 3yrs before stepping down a couple months ago. If you don't like having an HOA Don't move there, do your homework before you buy where there is an HOA . Ask questions n get involved, after all it is your new neighborhood. Take n show some pride where you live. HOA do have a purpose. With that being said, I know firsthand the power tripping board members that do nothing for the good of the sub but their own n their friends agendas. It's like a good Ol boys committee, rules are made to be changed to protect the friends they go boating with or play sports with, they stay on the board with 3 out of 5 members they hang with so they always have majority vote when they dictate how things will be and it goes to a vote. The turnout at annual meetings drops to next to no one showing up due to rude n pushy bully tactics some use on the board.In the past year, there has been a very significant increase of almost 50% in the number of properties sold in the January to July period in Galway city and county, from 732 properties in 2013 to 1,085 properties in 2014. This has continued a trend apparent over the last number of years, where the number of properties sold has increased considerably year on year. Less than 450 properties were sold in the same period in 2011, showing a dramatic increase of 140% in the three year period 2011 to 2014. Indeed 100 more properties were sold in the first seven months of this year than in all of 2011. This trend of increased sales is clear in most areas of the city and county.


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