
  Toms Sko    7/15(水) 11:37:03 No.20150715113703

Are routinely cited in national news stories as having one of the lowest employment rates in the nation. Why do we need to create jobs? Plus, this particular expansion will do nothing to create jobs for folks from here. who already have the expertise and the security clearance. and Charlottesville is also routinely cited as a city with a high poverty rate and astronomical cost of living. Our city has a poverty rate of about 18 percent, almost twice the state rate. I kind of get annoyed when people keep citing our unemployment rate as if that tells the whole story. When you compare our cost of living to other counties with similar situations our median income pales in comparision. Stafford, Spotsylania, Prince William, Fauquier, Chesterfield, Goochland, James City, and Chesapeake are just a few jurisdictions where the median household incomes is above Albemarle County. Notice how many of these places where the cost of living isn as high. In Stafford, Fauquier, and Spotsylvania the median incomes are 65k or higher. In Albemarle, its about 53,000. Now are you really going to tell everyone that the cost of living in Albemarle is 12,000 22,000 dollars cheaper a year than those counties?The only guarantee is that unchecked systems will continue to lose information. What would make a difference in the lackadaisical attitude toward security would be a looming threat of legal action against companies who lose information. It would also require that the courts put more emphasis on the burden that individuals face when their information is lost. A couple of years of credit monitoring often is typical compensation for an ensuing lifetime of trouble faced by the millions affected.


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