
  Toms Sko    7/15(水) 07:57:05 No.20150715075705

A new gym is under construction in back of the High School. The concrete foundation should be completed by December 20. The project will then be shut down for the winter. Electrical workers are currently putting in new fire exit signs in the basement and emergency lighting and conduit for the new gym and music suite. Also, a new smoke detection system is being installed in the Middle School.Further, I know families want quality education and opportunities for the future of their children. I am a retail business owner and an executive board member of All Arizona School Retiree's Association, Peoria Education Foundation, Arrowhead Kiwanis Club of Peoria and AARP's historic Chapter 1 president. I am a member of the AARP National Chapter Advisory Team and the AARP Mountain Region Chapter Liaison.


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