
  scarpe masai    6/23(月) 06:19:43 No.20140623061943

South Carolina has a wealth of edible greens and potherbs. The tender tops and young shoots of nettles can be cooked or used to make soup. Cooking removes the stinging spines. Chickweed usually grows 2.5 feet tall with small white flowers. The tender leaves and stems can be used raw for a salad or cooked and served like spinach. Purslane is a wild edible that grows close to the ground. It is good eaten raw in a salad, or the entire plant can be boiled in salty water and eaten. It is also a good source of vitamin C and A. Wintercress is a plant that grows 1 to 4 feet tall and has clusters of yellow flowers. The leaves can either be eaten raw or cooked. Dandelion's flowers or leaves can be eaten raw in a salad or cooked as a potherb. Bitterroot is a low growing plant that is 1 to 3 inches tall with rose to cream flowers. To eat the root, boil it and peel off the outer husk.


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