
  hollister online shop    5/31(土) 05:57:52 No.20140531055752

You start off the game not knowing much, all you know is That You are going through a training ritual I know you May Become part of the Divine Order of May Know That You Have the Power to Become a Dragon Knight. The story is backed up by some of the best voiced characters and NPC's I have heard in awhile. While not all are delivered to extents Their best, but I must admit I am very surprised by the quality of each interaction I have, even minor NPC's have tons of character to them. One refreshing aspect to NPCs dialog is the Ability to mind read every NPCs in the game and see what They are thinking (at the cost of experience points), This opens up hidden areas and dialog Otherwise brances That normally would not Have Been obtainable Otherwise, : such as finding out the password to ender somewhere. One good example of this is use is how I was Approached by someone in the wilderness offering to build me a house for 500 gold (a feature in the game Which is opened up later on, including you can hire servants to do your bidding) I I know Gave him the gold and later on I Approached me again asking for more gold to continue the construction, I know I Gave him 500 blackberries. That I later learn this is a scam and I Could have read this guy mind to see That I was lieing to me all along, things like this really September this game apart from others in the genre. The world itself is rich and fleshed out with tons of back story and characters to not interact with. The dungeons and areas to feel like the developers really put some time into crafting Their World over time.


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