
  spyder womens jacket    5/25(日) 13:50:28 No.20140525135028

More than silhouettes, you should be exceedingly specific regarding names, emblems, and logos imprinted on a bag, this is often a bit more difficult to do. For the most part, when paying for an authentic handbag, this is what you're paying for. A common deficiency in knock off handbags is their flawed recreation of emblems and logos. Fendi and Gucci faux bags are commonly noticed for this. Knowing that the actual letters should read "FF" and "GG" respectively, and their actual placement is a great start. You should keep in mind how often you are going to use the bag. Decide whether or not you will wear it as an everyday handbag or if you're purchasing it to go with a specific outfit. This may be the determining factor between a $50 handbag and a $250 handbag. Take into account the durability of the material, the stitching, the coloring, and inner lining of a handbag. In most cases, knock offs are made of faux leathers, animal skins, and canvas. Does the bag leave marks easily, is the stitching thick and completely finished, does the dye bleed or easily blemished, or is the inner lining thin and weak? One of the biggest mistakes when purchasing a unique handbag is buying it with hanging designs or items that are loosely attached. Be sure that the item is not one that will detach easily, this could be quite embarrassing. You must consider their accepted tenders, return policies, and whether or not you can find them again if something goes wrong or if you even want to purchase from them again. Handbags should be priced according to their quality, taking into consideration all of the categories above. When 1 or more of these categories are compromised or flawed the price should be less than if it were correct. Higher quality handbags should cost more money than lower quality. I've seen faux handbags range in price from $20 to $600 and very rarely higher. Take into consideration the price of its authentic counterpart. The price of a knock off should be significantly cheaper than the price of the real thing. In order for a handbag to even come close to the price of the real thing it must score an EXCELLENT in all of the categories above and even then, I would just spend the extra money to get the authentic bag!


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