
  hoodia slimming    9/27(金) 09:51:45 No.20130927095145

I think a visualized presentation can be superior then simply a simple text, if things are defined in pictures one can without difficulty be familiar with these.

  1. Anto 2/17(月) 23:07:53
    I'm only 15 and every day my parents tell me that I'm going to die an old maid because I'm fat and no one will ever love me This video was really inspirational; if those women can do it, so can I! I want my parents to finally be able to look at me with something other than disappointment and disapproval!

  2. Francisco 2/19(水) 03:28:28
    Aw that's sweet! I think Shelby was close to the same age the first time that happened to me. It was a Phil Collins song from Disny's Tarzan: You'll Be In My Heart. It was right about the time I was<a href="http://puxxsrr.com"> raegining</a> my identity after my divorce and still feeling guilty of ruining her life by parting ways with her dad. Now stop you're crying, it will be alright. Just take my hand, and hold it tight. I will protect you from, all around you. I'll be here, don't you cry.' Ugh!! To.this.day I still get choked up! Anyway, you're not the only sap and you'll probably find that it'll happen repeatedly with random songs, out of nowhere. I like to think it's just proof of how much and how hard we love our little ones!


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