
  replica louboutin    7/28(日) 15:50:50 No.20130728155050

Once, still Sun Wukong of extreme limit the day after tomorrow hunt in the endless forest, test, but led the red fox of coming a head of inborn solid Dan Class, red fox was said with speed Zhao, Sun Wukong the object that canned be devastated, exchanged blows for many times in, Sun Wukong all with get hurt but backed, the visceras all beats for red fox moved, even breath all the breath that can depend mouth slowness, when the last shot of red fox wanted to take Sun Wukong's life of, Sun Wukong avoids have no avoid, keep straight of consider as the iron staff in the hand the sword stab, pitiful of the red fox still thinks to is an iron rod of commonness and simply stretches hand hands to want to give° the iron rod to ruin, sky calculate not as one expected, that iron rod wasn't ruined by the red fox, contrary, because of the speed of the red fox too quick, pound at dint too greatly, discover that the time canning not demolish iron staff too late stopped body, the body keeps to straightly bump at in the article work properly a machine up, wear the body of intemperate fox.


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